Wednesday, November 3, 2010

blog readers

What is your preferred method of checking blogs you follow?

I currently use google reader - but don't really like it for a number of reasons.

I also have a number of blogs that I enjoy looking at occassionally - but don't want to be bombarded everyday with all of their many updates (think Pioneer Woman, love her blog -hate that takes over my feed reader)

So - something that allows me to easily group blogs would be great!   Google reader seems to offer that option -but it just doesn't all flow very nicely and easily.

Anywho - send me your suggestions!


  1. I use Google Reader too. Which makes this a useless comment! Sorry to be no help.

  2. i use google reader, but i've started to use it on my igoogle instead of actual reader.
    though that won't help you categorize. :p

  3. I use Google Reader and I like it a lot, so I'm useless!

  4. don't know much about this, i just use the blogger dashboard, but would like to know a way to filter/categorize it.

  5. I used to bookmark. But now I use Google Reader, which is WAAAAAAY better than checking every site every day.

    So, yeah, no help here either.

  6. I use Google Reader as well. I've heard that some people like Bloglines though.

  7. I was just wondering if you knew that you can group blogs into folders using Google Reader. There is a Manage Subscriptions link at the bottom left corner of Google Reader. You can create folders there and add blogs to them.

  8. Cynthia - yeah, I did know you can use the folders - I don't know - the format still just seems weird to me. lol

    I guess I'll just figure it out though since that seems to be the best option and I'm just being difficult! :p

  9. Aww, poor Nicole, lol. I've never used the folders in Reader. It's too bad they don't do what you'd like.
