Sunday, December 5, 2010

The First Snow

Chicago had its first snow of the season this past weekend. We had flurries earlier in the week and during the night on Friday a couple inches floated down. We have more snow predicted for the coming week - so I guess for the next few months it's slushy sidewalks and salty roads. Yay?  We'll just enjoy the novelty while it's still pretty and white and fun ;)

I had a Christmas Brunch at church that morning but when I got back I had fun participating in my favorite "purposeful exercise" activity - snow shoveling! - and building a snowman with my Californian housemate.  I was deprived of all of these fun winter activities growing up in the South - so I enjoy it now. Most people are more than happy to let me take over the snow shoveling task.

I was sick during the flurry part of the week earlier - but did enjoy my annual tradition of watching Little Women on the day of the first snow. It's such a great snow day movie.

Happy Holidays!


  1. Love it! I just watched Little Women as well.

  2. I need to get Little Women. It's one of my favorite movies and favorite books!

  3. Exciting! I love shoveling snow, haha.
